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Do you need help travelling to NHS appointments?


Most people use public transport, drive, or rely on family and friends to get to the doctor, pharmacist or hospital on time. Additionally, others require a companion to help escort them throughout their journey. Unfortunately, not everyone has good access to either or both.  


At Simply Cabs, we specialise in 'Assisted Travel'. We have a team of drivers and passenger assistants that have undertaken specialised training to allow them to safely transport you to your appointments. 


Our drivers will safely assist you from your front door right to the waiting area of your appointment and get you checked in. Once your appointment is over, they will collect you from the waiting area and take you home. Should you require extra support, we can even arrange for someone to wait with you throughout. 


For more information on Assisted Travel,  please call us on 01933 400 400, our care team will assess your requirements and allocate the right driver and passenger assistant for you.



Unit 4 Regents Park, Booth Dr, Wellingborough,



01933 400 400

Copyright © Simply Cabs. All rights reserved. Simply Cabs is a trading name of 8 Logistics Ltd

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